Monday, June 20, 2011

Dad rocking the Lululemon

Man.  My dad is pretty awesome, to say the least.  I am very fortunate to have such an awesome family - and not doubt it my dad is the glue that holds my crazy family together.  And did I also mention that he is a bad ass runner?  I remember back in the day when we lived in the mid-west, I always knew when school was canceled due to snow/ice because I could hear my dad RUNNING around the house.  Yes.  You read that correctly.  RUNNING.  I thought I was OCD - but big pappa has me beat.  But my dad is a bad ass runner and ever since I can remember my dad (and my mom) will run together everyday.  So those days I don't feel like getting out of bed - I just think of my dad.  And now he'll be rocking a new pair of LULULEMON running shorts.  Way to be styling out on the roads of St. Louis Dad!  (PS - mom got Lululemon running gear for mothers day!) 
Thanks for being awesome dad:

Yep - he even ran to the start of IMFL ;)  See.  I told you. BAD ASS RUNNER! 

Don't forget about the HOO HA Give-A-Way!!


Melissa said...

Your parents are so cute!

KC (my 140 point 6 mile journey) said...

Your parent's look so young! Chalk that up to an active lifestyle of running. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Kim said...

aw your dad is adorable. happy fathers day to him!

Katie said...

WOW do you look like your mom! and i think it's awesome that you have such an active family!

Unknown said...

now thats a support to crew! way to rock it dad.

Kim said...

I LOVE your parents! So cute! I'm going to adopt them too.. look at your mom wit that head thing on in the last one! Adorable!! Dad's are great!! He is bad ass by the way!


I know this post was about your dad, but my god how much do you look like your mom. Especially her younger pics.