I hope everyone had a great Christmas and a happy New Year! I have some pretty awesome pictures to post from Big J's and my time in St. Louis, but I will get to those tomorrow. Since today is the New Year, I wanted to share my "I Will" list for the year.
* I will send out 'Thank You' notes more often
(I'm not bad at it, but everyone likes nice notes in the mail)

* I will keep a DEATILED planner for my workouts!

* I will attend mass at least once every two weeks

* I will dive back into yoga

* I will make at least one 'raw' meal a week (hey, it's a start!)

* I will find a local charity to volunteer for

* I will try not to consume a full bottle of wine in one evening :)

* I will be more active in the local tri/running/maters swim groups.

* I will try to cut back on my swearing (Big J and I are both going to work on that one..it's a hard one)

* I will get a sub six hours for my 70.3's of the year and under four hours for my marathons :) (ohhh..I can't wait to check those off!)

I know I don't have a time frame on these goals, but these are small things just to help better myself physically and mentally. The last part of 2009 was amazing - and I really want to keep the good karma up :)
So cheers to everyone to have a great 2010!!!
Solid goals.
I saw Chrissie and I thought one goal was to compete against her. Wouldn't that be neat? Compete against a future hall of famer?
Being an "old timer" myself I have a few of the original guys like Tinely, Paula Newby Fraser in my race book and it is cool to say you raced with them. (Although at most dinner parties, no one knows who you are talking about)
Happy New Year!
Best of luck on your list. It's not always easy when we get out there in the thick of things. You can do it, you will do it. Cheers to 2010.
I love it! You can do it fo shor! The pictures really bring it to life. I too will try not to consume one whole bottle of wine in one evening.. that is a good goal and I'm stealing it. Can't wait to see the St. Louis pics. Glad you had a great Holiday..here's to 2010 being kick @ss! Oh wait..less swearing.. :) Darn it!
Best "I Will List" I have seen...made me think about doing a list myself:) Hugs from Idaho and here is to a great yr for you!!!!
love the list. I need to work on the swearing part too!
I really like your going to Mass goal. I think I need to do that one as well!
Good Luck with all your 2010 goals!
Love the list, good luck!!
Happy New Years
Great goals girl (excep the wine one - that's just nonsense. Why set yourself up for failure like that?!)
I love your time goals. You will totally do those! I might take a hint from you with the yoga and swearing. I have the *worst potty* mouth. Worse than my husband even.
Good luck and happy new year!
Great goals! I am trying to get more involved in the local running community as well. a sub 4 hr marathon will be sweet as well :) Best of luck in 2010!
You can do it ... especially with that SWEET shot of the Piranhas!
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