Sunday, January 27, 2013

Florida Winter

My plan for our wedding was to have the rehearsal and reception outside.  Well, mother nature did not agree with that plan and made December 29th, 2012 one of the coldest days of the year! So we had to move everything inside (Thank God I planned in advance and chose a party friendly location when we booked the wedding house!)

Now, lets move forward to this weekend!  This is what we call a 'Chamber of Commerence' weekend - perfect weather and fantastic blue water:

We all took full advantage of it and enjoyed the fantastic weather!  Anyone up north want to come down and visit?  :)  

Also - Rev3 announced our new teammates!  I am so excited to meet up with these crazy ass people!!  


Anne-Marie said...

Oh man... as much as I adore xc skiing and don't think I could live somewhere that doesn't get snow in the winter... this looks/sounds totally amazing. Makes me want to go to the beach asap!

Wendy @ New Moms Talk said...

It looks absolutely beautiful, and you were so smart with the wedding plans!

Our snow is quite active right now, and a few miles east are mountains covered in fog.

There's lots of beauty in this wonderful country!

Birdie said...

That looks awesome!!

Carolina John said...

How cool! Great pics. So glad you're having a fun time enjoying the pleasant weather and welcoming the new teammates. I was a bit dissapointed I didn't make the list. said...

Congratulations with your wedding! I wish you all the best! Your photos are very cool! Thank you for sharing