I'm not sure if I am the only one - but when I'm tapering I get into a mood. Just an emotional wreck. Big J is in Louisiana tuna fishing, which is a good thing I guess because he does not have to deal with me. But I'll get over it - I always do!
So what am I doing right now? I made an awesome homemade pizza, sipping on some wine and I'm watching Spirit of the Marathon to get me into the marathon mood (which is helping). If you have not seen this movie - watch it!!
And I did have a wondeful sunset to watch as I was finishing up my running this evening:

Hope everyone is having a great week!!
Pizza and wine for Taper??
I love taper. Sleep and Carbs. Awesome combination. Once you realize that you can't gain anymore fitness, and let it go, things get better.
oh, the taper tantrums... yes, I get them. i'm learning to deal with it better and try to enjoy the sleep and down time, but it's very trying.
Good luck this weekend!
taper madness. blech. hate it. Too bad we don't live closer while our men are away. On second thought, we'd probably be in a constant state of buzz.....wait, is that really so bad?
I can't agree more. I adopted the 3 week taper rule for marathons a few years ago. It may make me freshest on race day, but by this final week, I start to question my fitness. I'm one twitchy bunch of bottled up energy & nerves. Sunday can't come soon enough. If I don't run across you on the course, here's wishing you a good race.
Take time to enjoy the beach while you are there. Probably warmer than PCB
Goooooood luck this weekend! I don't have too many experiences with tapering, but I know I got in a funk too. However, I watched the episode of the Biggest Losers running the marathon, and I got the adrenaline back. Have fun Chloe :)
Good luck with weekend Chloe!!! Tapering sucks, but that's just because you have the fire in you that just wants to get out! Kick some butt!
GOOD LUCK!! I am sad Im not racing too. I will be cheering you on from Mexico!
good luck and enjoy miami :) i hope your taper goes perfectly!
yes oh yes, the taper madness. i get all shaky! lucky YOU can have wine! :)
SOUTH BEACH! go topless.
good luck running that 26.2!
Best of luck! Rock out!
Tapers KILL me! I get super anxious and if I have caffeine I just turn into a wreck! My heart goes out to anyone that has to deal with me during taper week.
GOOD LUCK with the race!
Mmmmm, wine. Now we know the tapering worked!
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