Big Chloe and Little Chloe
Anyway - yesterday I ran a half marathon in Pensacola Beach. This race was not a race for time, but more of a character builder race. It was rainy. Very rainy. It was windy. VERY VERY windy. But the 30+mph wind gusts would not stop me from running this race. And please remember - this race was pretty much right along the coast which means it is extra, superdooper windy with sand involved with the gusts. I'm surprised I don't have bruises all over my body.

Hadley, Dave, and I before the race
So me, Hadley (3:04 marathon runner) and David (Kona and Clearwater qualifier) headed that way in the FJ at 5am. For the weather, the race was surprisingly full of runners. There was a 5K, 10K and a 1/2 marathon and everyone started at the same time. With this you can turn around at any time. I needed the mileage - so I was all over the 1/2.
Too keep this race report short - here are my splits:
1 -8:16
2 -8:37
3 -8:38
4 -9:12
5 -9:39
6 -9:57
7 -9:07
8 -8:15
9 -7:59
10 -7:57
11 -7:57
12 -7:58
13 -7:43
Total time 1:50

So I'm sure you can tell where the turn around was. Into the wind out and your back to the wind on the way in. I seriously felt like I was running in place on the way out and flying heading back in. My body felt awesome and I am very happy with the way I raced. 7th female overall and 1st in my age group. Now I'm totally pumped for Miami!

I hope everyone had an excellent weekend!!
wow, that rain looks brutal! Great time and great negative splits, congrats!!
Congratulations on a great run!!
congrats! i did that race a few years ago but definitely not under those conditions... yuck!
Congrats! Looks nasty...
I'm up next for a similar situation: Gnarly rainstorms just arrived here in SoCal, and I have a half-marathon on Sunday! I'll think of you!
Great job! I had a race like that in October, only the headwind was on the way back, I wanted to die.
Whooo hooo great race and those look like fun conditions :)
Congrats on the run! Way to bang out a great time even with the nasty headwind. I did a half last Spring with similar conditions and I decided wind is one of the most evil weather scenarios you can have for a run. It's like fighting a brick wall for the entirety of the race.
Sunday wasn't much better in Tampa. A real character builder for the old ride with Arnie!
Way to go on the time and age group place!
Rain I can handle. Wind I can handle. Rain + Wind = Brutal! Congrats on the character builder!!! And your AG award! Awesome :)
PS. I'm still w/ you on the high cost of races. GO TRAILS!!!
Sweet time and nothing better than running in the rain!! (that didnt come from me, someone else perhaps)
Congrats on the strong race performance and AG Win! :)
Fun pics!
Nice job in the race, especially with those crazy conditions!! Thanks for the shout out :)!
Little Chloe.
Wow.. the conditions beat you down but you pushed through.. love the pictures of both Chloes! Too cute. Way to stick it out and now you can Miami or bust!
Those splits are crazy good. Regardless of the headwind on the way out, your pace on the way back was excellent. Way to manage that course!
Looks crazy out there. Way to breeze through those last 5 miles!!
Awesome run! That is super fast! Especially with the conditions!
No shit, character builder! Wow, nice job, I may have totally pussed out. Hey, just say - look at my negative splits!
Way to stick with it-yowzers that sounds brutal.Congrats!
That weather did not look fun!!! Congrats on a great race :) You should be really proud.
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