So, it's Tuesday. Remember those days in school when it was so nice outside and all you wanted to do way lay in the grass and take a long nap? In college we would just skip class (whoops) and go to the winery. In middle and high school we would just have to grin and bear it. And the same now. Work was really good today (finally) but it was so awesome outside. I'm telling you - going home for lunch, I really had second thoughts about going back to the office. My thoughts where being outside - either on the beach, on my bike, in the pool, ANYTHING!
And it's going to be this nice all week.
It's going to be a hard week to focus in the office :)

But I did get on the trainer for an hour (did not want to fight the CRAZY spring break traffic) and then had an AWESOME 3 mile run at around a 7:15 pace. It felt great. Today was a good day.
Oh yeah. And it's St. Pat's day! I freaking love this holiday. It's the only holiday where you don't have to plan anything, get anyone gifts, or go to a family function. I all you need to do is wear green and go to a bar. Some significant event is going to happen to me on this wonderful holiday. Either get married or have a baby. Big J is well aware of this :)

Quick question for everyone - I'm thinking about jumping on the heart rate monitor train. I have the monitor and everything... But I do need some good websites to get info and figure out where I need to be...
SoCal was crazy beautiful today too! I was glad to be unemployed and able to take advantage of the day :)
Polar makes quality HR monitors, a good basic one for women is the F4 (less than $100). Do you know how to calculate your HR to find your training zones?
DON'T GO BACK!!! Enjoy the weather!!!
It's just too nice outside, I swear! Loving it too.
HRM - lots more people have lots more experience than I do. HOWEVER, try not to get too paralyzed by the data. So good to learn to 'train low' but I got paralyzed by the fact I thought my heart was going to explode. When I saw 190+ on my HRM, I freaked.
OMG, I want you to get married on St. Patrick's Day. And wear green shoes or something.
It's been so nice here this week too, sucks being an adult and working.
So, I wear a heart rate monitor and would be more than happy to explain the pros and cons of wearing one over a glass on wine (or 6) in NO. Date?
I agree with Missy. HRMs can be dangerous if you follow the ranges too closely.
One of my friends just broke away from her coach because he was a major HR nazi. Use it regularly and record your averages and max, and use it to compare with past runs as benchmarks.
That is at least how i've used it and have found it pretty helpful.
St Paddy's for me meant going to see Witch Mountain.
I just started using a HRM and one thing I know for sure is that my heart rate is naturally higher than others, so I have to take that in consideration. I will use it just as a guide for myslef. My main goal is to recover faster over time, so I can only use my own data to determine that.
Good luck.
I started with a HR monitor when I was running. I wanted to be sure, SURE of where my heart rate was. I had to promise my wife that if I got to certain points I'd dial it back.
After a while, you'll get to where you'll know your heart rate within a few beats, based on your breathing, how you feel about your current effort, and state of mind. Now I don't wear it much.
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