Saturday, January 29, 2011


I've been very busy and traveling for work this past week - and my workouts kind of took a back seat.  I am also looking at this past week as 'tapering' for my marathon on Feb 6 :)  Ha...whatever.  I was just to tired and busy to get my runs in.  Anyway - my friend Carol asked me to come to crossfit with her this morning.  I was all about it.

So I pick her up this morning - and she's telling me where to go.  And we literally turn into a storage unit area.  No joke.  This Crossfit location as literally in a storage unit.  Right off hand - I was very nervous and I knew I was going to be puking.  Specially with my workout hiatus last week.  Anyway - we meet the trainers and start the warm up along with a handful of other people.  It was very basic....3 sets of ten push ups/assisted pull ups/sit ups/squats and then 500 meters on the rowing machine.  Then came the main set- 15 of some things I don't remember what they are called..burkeys maybe?  Where you jump up, throw your legs back, go all the way into a push up, legs back up and you clap.  And then 15 squats...and then you grab a 14lb medicine ball and run 400 meters!  And you see how many times you can do this in 15 min.  Ok.  I'm not going to lie.  My shoulders can already feel it.  But it was awesome.  Quick and powerful.  Lots of arms and core work.

I'm thinking this will be added to my weekly routine.  Has anyone else used crossfit?  Thoughts?  Feelings?  Was it held in a crazy place?   I know they talked about it in last months Triathlete - and it sounded pretty promising to helping out with my upcoming season. 

...oh yeah.  I also didn't puke.  I was kind of hoping I would so that I could in the running for the pukie award.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

So yesterday...

yes, I was pretty awesome.  The princess and I went out for a very chilly ride with a few friends.  I know it's not as cold here as it is north of us, but Florida does get pretty darn chilly.  Specially in the panhandle.    We're still trying to figure out the sign for 'ice' - the the best thing we could come up was yelling "time to turn around for coffee".  Sounds like a perfect plan to me. 

As we where enjoying our coffee - a few puppies came our way.  I don't know what it is about puppies - but they just make everyone smile:

So yes, yesterday I was awesome.  Had a great ride with great friends - and puppies always turn my mood around.  I hope everyone was awesome this weekend as well!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Traveling for work

Sometimes I have to travel for work.  Some weeks it's for a night - and others it's for the whole week.  I ALWAYS pack my running shoes.  Weather they are used to knock out a death march on the dreadmill or a quick run down Jacksonville beach - I'm always on the hunt to find a group of people to train with.  So when Lululemon Jacksonville had a Tuesday night run, I am in.  All I can say is thank you for the wonderful ladies and gentlemen who welcomed me into a killer 7ish mile run last night.  I love meeting new people - specially new people to run with in a town where I am riding solo.  Point to this story?
#1.  Don't be afraid to train with strangers (good running strangers, not the kind that offer you candy)
#2.  Hop online to see if you can find a running group either in your area or an area if you are visiting.  You won't regrete it!

'Strangers are just friends you have yet to talk to'

So on my way back to the hotel last night I saw this:
Chipotle and all of it's glory.  I love Chipolte.  A chicken burrito bowl with black beans, corn salsa, hot salsa and lettuce?  Yes please. 

We do not have this wonderful establishment in Panama City Beach.  So, Mr. Chipotle, if you are reading this, please open one in PCB.  I will be there at least once a week. 

Happy Wednesday! 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

So today...

I signed up for my first tri of the season.  The Redhills Triathlon in Tallahassee - which probably has the best swag bag for a sprint race (hello pint glass, water bottle and tech long sleeve shirts)....  I know I'm a sucker for a bag full of goodies.    I am so excited for this race - and to hopefully not get a DRAFTING PENALTY this year.

 Anyway - this will also be my first race being a sponsored athlete for Trinity Multi-Sport!  I can't wait to rock out their gear all season.  Be sure to check out their site and see their awesome tri gear in wonderful colors.  They are also not all about the racing - Trinity Multi-Sport also gives back.  They give back to those in need by donating a % of their profits to charitable organizations.  SO - not only do you look good while racing in their great gear - but you will also be helping out those in need.  Check out their vision statement here 

I can think of an awesome QR (aka the princess)these will look great with -

Also, check out KC's blog 140 Point 6 Miles...of Awesome (and is also racing for them this season as well!)- she has a pretty sweet Trinity give-a-way going on! 

In non-triathlon news, Big J and I went fishing.  And caught nothing.  But the water was so blue, it was worth the boat ride :)

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Lifting and Triathlons

So to kick off the new year, big J and I have gym memberships.  I see this as an adventure to meet new people at 5am and to also really work on my core and upper body.  With any luck I'll have some rocking abs with in the next few months - you know, to get ready for spring break in Panama City Beach.  Take that spring breakers :) (hope you read into my sarcasm) Anyway - it's been years since I've ventured into this type of establishment, so thankfully Tawnee was nice enough to answer some of my strength training questions.  Check out her blog when you get the chance. 
I am really excited to throw this into my training!

I'm slowly getting my racing schedule together for 2011.  I have a few races down for sure, but a few more which will be awesome.  More to come on that later.  ;)

In marathon training news:
We had a great 20 mile run on Saturday morning.  We kept a 9:06 avg which I am very excited about for a training run.  And our longest run since Ironman.  I'm feeling good about hitting my goal for the Tallahassee Marathon in a month!

In laundry news:

Really? How the hell does something like this happen? 

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Rest Day = Root Canal Day

On the schedule today coach put swim or rest day.  Since it was 31 when I woke up this morning and the pool is outside - I opted for the rest day.  Not to mention we had a 50ish mile week last week.  So this girl did not shed any tears - except for my three hour dentist appt.  I am blessed with soft teeth (yep, thanks dad).  I don't have your normal dentist appts where they clean your teeth, give you a sicker, a toothbrush and say 'see you in 6 months!'.  Not me.  It's more like 'see you in a few days and thank goodness you have dental insurance'. 
So after two root canals today - leaving the office I kind of felt like this:

(not that bad - but you get the gist)

So right now I'm on the couch looking like I had been punched in the face.  This isn't my first dance - but all I can say is thank goodness for pain killers. 

Happy Monday!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Only in Panama City Beach

I'm driving this morning to meet Carla and Ron for our run and I saw this:

I literally had to stop and turn my car around to get a photo of this beauty.  And what is on the back of the bumper?  A large set of 'holiday balls'.  Once again - only in Panama City Beach could you this is piece of work.  In front of a Waffle House. 

Happy Sunday!

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Some how I deleted all of the comments from my last six posts....really?  How the heck did I do that?  Good old blogger - showing me who is boss. 

Tumblr - has anyone used it?  Thoughts?  Feelings? 

There are some pretty awesome blogs on Tumbler which I enjoy such as:


Anyway - two posts in about 2 hours.  Wow.  I need to get off of the computer :)

2010 - it's been fun.

But I am so ready for 2011.  No huge resolutions here - just to sit back and enjoy the ride.  Possibly another IM?  Maybe some more traveling?  Who knows.  But I would like to take more time to enjoy the wonderful friends and family that I have in my life.  Oh yeah - and work on my diet (more on that to come)
But 2010 was a pretty sweet year.  Tri wise - I had two major goals:
*  Get under 6 hour on my 70.3 (triple check on that one - I blew that out of the water in Augusta with a 5:17)

*  Rock out  IMFL under 13 hours (super check on that one as well with a 12:58)

I also made some pretty amazing friends to accomplish these goals with.  Somethings you just can't do alone!

Carla, Ron, Myself, and Coach Scott

So to bring in 2011 we had a pretty low key evening - some friends and their sweet 13 month old came over for dinner and wine.  Nothing says 'welcome to your 30's' like spending new years with a baby:
Jacob loved the cork

And the main reason for the low key evening?  Coach put an 18ish mile run on the schedule for today.  After eight miles under our belts - we checked the radar and saw this:

18 miler on the schedule for tomorrow and the rest of the morning was spent chowing down on some wonderful food from Hibiscus.  Yummm..

Beans and veggies with soy burger, fruit, and toast - delish

Waffle wonderful - waffles with peanut butter, honey, and fruit.

Now - it's time to hang on the couch and enjoy the crappy weather!

Hope everyone had a great new year!