But I am so ready for 2011. No huge resolutions here - just to sit back and enjoy the ride. Possibly another IM? Maybe some more traveling? Who knows. But I would like to take more time to enjoy the wonderful friends and family that I have in my life. Oh yeah - and work on my diet (more on that to come)
But 2010 was a pretty sweet year. Tri wise - I had two major goals:
* Get under 6 hour on my 70.3 (triple check on that one - I blew that out of the water in Augusta with a 5:17)
* Rock out IMFL under 13 hours (super check on that one as well with a 12:58)
I also made some pretty amazing friends to accomplish these goals with. Somethings you just can't do alone!
Carla, Ron, Myself, and Coach Scott
So to bring in 2011 we had a pretty low key evening - some friends and their sweet 13 month old came over for dinner and wine. Nothing says 'welcome to your 30's' like spending new years with a baby:
Jacob loved the cork
And the main reason for the low key evening? Coach put an 18ish mile run on the schedule for today. After eight miles under our belts - we checked the radar and saw this:
18 miler on the schedule for tomorrow and the rest of the morning was spent chowing down on some wonderful food from Hibiscus. Yummm..
Beans and veggies with soy burger, fruit, and toast - delish
Waffle wonderful - waffles with peanut butter, honey, and fruit.
Now - it's time to hang on the couch and enjoy the crappy weather!
Hope everyone had a great new year!
You had an awesome year! You creamed your 70.3 time and that is fabulous! And well, just doing a IM is incredible but do it under 13hours. WOW! Congrats on a great year!
congrats on such a great year!!! can't wait to see what is next!
Congrats on a great year, and YUM, those waffles look incredible. I'm hungry now! :)
Happy New Years
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