the secret to having a killer off season! Holy cow p90x is awesome to build strength. I have not swam in probably a month but have been doing p90x about 5 times a week. Yesterday, I jumped in the pool with bad ass Sarah and felt awesome! I'm not going to lie, I have been nervous about starting training for IMTX (in two weeks!) because I have not been on the princess or have ran further then seven miles in two months. But I really think these crazy ass workouts I've been doing will benefit me once I do start IM training. So if you are looking for something different - seriously check it out.
Here are some photos from tonight's plyo workout:
And it also helps to have some awesome training partners!
I know I've been talking about P90X quite a bit - but it's pretty much the only training I have been doing for the past month or so. Don't worry - I'll have fun and exciting swimbikerun goodness (and more frequent posts) here soon!
I hope everyone is having a great week!