...Did you not listen to the voicemail the first four times you called!?! THIS NUMBER IS NOT A TAXI SERVICE! Really? I guess before I got my new work/Iphone number, it was for a taxi. And people saved the number from the last time they visited the beach. But I've had this number for seven months now and have not been getting as many calls (actually, none at all) until spring break rolled into town. Every single one of those guys will be getting a wake up call shortly :)
I was pretty pumped about a track workout this morning - but this is what is going on outside right now:

So between people needing taxis and the now non existent early morning track workout - I've been up since 4. Guess I'll clean the floors.
Happy 311 Day everyone!
I would just crawl back into bed and sleep :)
Gotta love spring breakers!
Ugh. That blows! When my hubby and I got our new phones he kept getting text messages from these crazy girls. So funny. Definatly NOT as bad as middle of the night taxi cab. You should turn your phone off at night this week.
OMGosh how annoying. Can you just pretend to be the cab and tell them you'll pick them up, and then not show up? That would maybe get it through their thick heads.
That is not a pretty weather map. Go back to bed!! ;-)
LOL at the wake up call and Melissa's idea. Do it!
Yikes, that's some severe weather. Speed workout schmeedworkout.
Oh my, I feel sooooo sorry for you. *chuckle*
Weather can suck it right now! We are getting hammered with rain. Seems like a good day to race, right?
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