Mom - finding her inner bongo player

The girls did not get the height in the family

My brother and cuz getting ready to go ice skating

Allison decided to stay on the couch - while mom, dad and I went out for a FREEZING run!

But I can't leave out playing WII fit. I'm not into game systems at all - the last game I played was probably Mortal Kombat sitting with Gina at a swim meet when we where 16 on our game gears. Seriously. But Wii fit was awesome. Just call me Hula Hoop master! My WHOLE family got into it - aunts, uncles, everyone!

Here I am working the hula hoop. Our Wii fit players name was 'Barbara' - she was 4'10 and weighted 190. Needless to say - Barbara was rocking the Wii fit all night.
If you are ever in St. Louis and looking for a great running store - check out Big River Running Company. Awesome, knowledgeable staff with a great selection shoes and fun running garb. Except for pink compression socks. They looked at me like I was crazy when I asked them if they had any! Oh well - must be a southern thing.
And we do have a new member of the family - her name is Margo. My aunt and uncle adopted this freaking cute ball of fur a week before christmas. So far she is fitting in well with the rest of the pack we currently have running around every family function!

But it's good to be back on beach time. Warm weather, salt water in the air, and sunshine is what my body functions off of. Hope everyone had a great holiday - now to think about those New Years Resolutions.....hmmm...
Great pics! I love the Wii video - HA!
Happy New Year!!
I love Margo...I feel like she looks in the last picture!!! Pass out. Happy New Year.
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