Another perfect baby has entered the world. On 9/10/09 at 6:03pm - the combo of Jake and Jennifer was brought into this world. Little Jacob is going to be nothing but trouble - but he is so freaking cute that he is going to get away murder! So congrats to the proud parents - and I can't wait to hang out with this little guy!

Ok - enough of the baby stuff. I was going to do a triathlon this morning - Beach Blast II in Mexico Beach. But when the alarm went off at 4:30am, well, it was a mini hurricane outside. So I turned on the weather channel - and guess what? Rain all along the panhandle all day. You have to love it when they say 'chance of rain, 100%' So I opted out - I didn't want to make the 1.5 hour drive to turn around and come home. Back to bed I went, and slept in until 7am!
But the down side of not racing (there is only one) is that now I have to do a speed workout today. I really hate the treadmill - but they are pretty helpful when it comes to speed work. So I'm on a mission to find a free treadmill to hop on today.
Good luck to everyone who is racing this weekend!
TRUE BLOOD!! Anyone watch it? Since we now have on-demand, I've been hooked on the 2nd season. Season one on DVD got me through my trainer workouts this winter - but season two is crazy as ever. PLEASE TELL ME SOMEONE ELSE IS AS HOOKED AS I AM! Freaking Club LaVela is having a 'True Blood' party tonight - I'm trying to talk big J into going, but he's not all about it. But talk about awesome people watching - my stealthy photographer skills will no doubt be put to the test. But LaVela is going all out - check out their ads:

There is no doubt in my mind that there are going to be some interesting people there tonight....
I live for True Blood. The girl and I caught up with season 1 and 2 only within the last two months. I'm not sure what I'm going to do after Sunday night, season 3 will be so far away!
for sure going to get some strange people. But sounds like fun. I find True Blood really frustrating because nothing happens on the show and then in the last 5 minutes big cliffhanger to you HAVE to watch it the next week.
what can I say, Vampires were and always will be pretty cool.
I hate treadmills, too! But I agree that they can help with speed. I sucked it up and ran on one twice last week and it went better than expected! Maybe it's cause I was in a new gym on campus, not the old dungeon that I used to go to.
CUTE baby!
I've never heard of it until now, but the ads look nice and provocative. I will feel bad for J if you drag it to that party though. My hubby would HATE that :)
My first triathlon was cancelled because a hurricane was passing throuh Norfolk. Obviously it wasn't a full on hurricane, but a 'big' rainstorm and they cancelled the swim due to visibility for the lifeguards. Half the participants left. It was a bummer to show up for my first tri and only get to do a du. That would have really sucked for you to drive all that way just to find the swim cancelled or something.
nope, not watching true blood. or any vampire movies. except from my time - lost boys, lol. i feel so damn old....
have a good weekend!
Yay, I'm glad I didn't take the vacation time and money to travel to the race if it was going to be bust!!! It just wasn't going to work out.
Please GO to Club La Vela...do it for me!!!
Hi Chloe,
Jacob is very cute.
Congrats on the new baby! Is this the first time you're an aunt?
Sorry about having to skip the tri, but not really because there is nothing greater on this planet than sleeping in, IMHO. But you're right, having to do an unplanned speedworkout is pretty annoying.
I am obsessed as well and please go and take pictures!
yup, i'm with you on the true blood. unfortunately i don't have cable so will have to wait for the dvd's to see season two. i was just introduced to it by my bud julie. we had just finished ironman and we watched the entire first season in two sittings! now to wait for season two... LOL
oh, never have seen True Blood, but as soon as I'm through Dexter I'll need something new and fun to obsess over!
I would have done the same thing, racing in rain sucks. Hope the speedwork was OK.
What a cute baby!!
I have to confess, I DON'T watch True Blood. Can you even imagine? I can't get into it.... :(
Tht stunk about the weather on race day but at least you got to sleep in (a little)!
Glad u didnt have to deal with bad weather....GOOD CALL!!
True Blood...OH YEAH!! HOOKED!! Have to say that I'm glad the MaryAnn story line is over though...didnt care for it much.
Hey I've got some suggestions for brain candy reading of the Vamp theme if you're interested.
Hope all is well! :))
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