After the stealthy paparazzi move - I called mom back. Poor mom. She thought I had gotten into an accident :) But I just had to get this proof that the 1982 limo with the bike rack does exist.
Anyway - last weekend was nuts. Lots and lots of rain. Whenever the weather man says rain, here in Florida we know it's going to be around somewhere. But we just didn't expect it to be a mini hurricane. On Saturday we where going to try to get in a long ride - 70 or so miles. A few of our riding crew where going to meet us since the wanted to get in 100. Well, Karen decided to pretend like she was on a BMX bike and jump over this beauty of a rut in the road:
Please note that the pictures do not give it justice. Robert rode out the next day to snap this shot - but on Saturday it was about 7am, dark, rainy, and lots of traffic on the side of the road that is open. And the rut is about a foot deep. We have no clue how she made it over with only getting 2 flat tires and landed gracefully. But she was pretty shocked after she thought about 'what could have happened'- so thankfully her and Jim headed home. We where all very thankful that she was ok. And after hanging out with Lisa, Paul and Robert at the super creepy hotel in Ebro - I headed home as well. It was just too rainy and decided to ride on Sunday.
Sunday was just as bad, but we kept it close to home and got in about 50 miles and then a hot ass run afterwards. Why is it that it's cloudy and raining on the bike - but on the run it's 10000 outside and sunny? Oh well - I just ran with the tourists who had just rolled out of bed and smelled like a bar.
Has anyone seen the TV show on A&E called obsessed? It's really...ummm...well, it's kind of creeping me out.
Random Race - has anyone done the ING Miami marathon? Possibly a Boston qualifier?
Happy training everyone!! XOCHLOE
That limo rawks!!!!
I would love to see the person inside the limo!
That limo says, "I'm classy"!
Love the limo!
monsoons are good days for swimming :)
Sounds like training is going well. You're gonna rock it out in Clermont.
What the heck is with that ditch in the middle of the road? Did the construction workers have an argument where the town line was officially and refuse to connect the road.
That bike rack is pretty sweet. It could only be topped by a hot tub (or ice bath) in the back.
the limo w/ a bike rack is ridiculous. raining here too. i am glad you guys at least had sun on your run!
Seriously, who is that? So funny. An old washed up rapper maybe?
Was she on her road bike when she drove over that? Very good thing she was not serioulsy injured. Yikes.
I just saw the advetisiment for the INGMiami mary. That time of year looks perfect though. Especially if your racing until the end off summer.
Carrying a mountain bike too.... wonder where they are headed? haha
That gap in the road is super random.... I wonder if the construction guys were like "hee hee. lets leave it and see if anyone notices!"
hahah, that limo picture HILARIOUS!! Great work.
I wonder if people can use that limo to go to races..talk about showing up in style (and not to mention comfort)!!
That limo picture makes me so happy! Dang, we would look hot in that, wouldn't we? Some fast cruisers on the back, pimpin and bouncin around town:)
Hope you are doing well!!
I did miami as my first marathon and qualified for Boston. Great course. gets lonely around mile 16-20 but it is beautiful! The first few miles have a few bridges but the majority of the course is flat. I recommend it!
*Also-I watch Obsessed and intervention. Crazy shows!
I can also recommend the ING Miami. I've done the full twice and the half all other years. Timing is good for cool weather in South Florida. A nice tour of Miami Beach and Coconut Grove.
Regarding the break in the road: someone should call the county and report the gap. Someone will get very hurt.
Hey Bill - thanks for the input :) I'm totally leaning towards the ING in Miami.
Well - the road is not finished yet :) So I'm not sure if reporting it would help out!!
LOL on the limo - too funny. I love that you hung up w/ your mom to snap the shot. Hilar.
Big pimpin fo sure! I bet it's some red neck flora-bamer! i'm coming to pcola for the next 3 weeks. I hope the rain stops!
first cake, and now I'm dreaming about donuts.... lol
SWEET limo!
That limo is the bomb! :))
Rain there, hot and windy here. I actually got knocked off the road due to wind today. HOLY CRAP! Sorta scary! ANd yes I've seen that show........I agree CREEPY!!!
LV mary might be a BQ qualifier.....:P I'm just say'in
hahahaha. OK, so I came here to comment on the limo photo and now I see some photo with big dudes and one naked guy in your previous post? What is that? I need to catch up!
You crack me up. Glad training and life is going well!
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