Coach: "Um. Yes. If you would be MORE CONSISTENT on your swimming!"
So - I've been going to masters swimming more then just..oh..once a week or so. Yesterday was a GREAT practice. Mostly IM work. Whoohoo! Finally! A break from the montontany of freestyle. 4200 yards of kicking and 125 IM repeats. It hurt - but in a very good way.
And I've come to the conclusion that some of the guards at the pool are huge pervs.

And there have been random sightings for the limo...
Isn't that the job of lifeguards..hang out and perv on the young girlies? I can't wait for to see this limo!
Get that swim on chica, you hit sub-30! Like they say, a tri won't be won in the swim but it certainly can be lost in the swim!!!
Lifeguards are either pervs or 5 yr olds bored out of their minds. LOL
Great pics!!
Hello - were is that picture of the limo you've been telling us about.
Isn't that why boys become lifeguards in the first place. The opportunity to do cpr with some hottie.
Sub 30 yeaaah!! - I'm rootin' for ya!
Hi, I'm new to your blog, I really enjoy it! I'm starting to learn how to swim so I can one day do a triathlon :) Sub 30 would be like superman fast! :)
You can do a sub 30 min, keep working hard. Ya, some of the lifeguards can be a bit creepy.
I'm sorry, did you say 4200 yds of kicking and 125 IM intervals? Wow, you are badass. You could probably already swim a sub 30 and you just don't know it.
That pool looks refreshing!
Yeah, you've got sub-30 in the bag! Just don't wear white in that lake...the tannins in the water turn everything brown.
Um, your underwater camera is amazing. What kind is it?
You can definitely go sub-30. No doubt about it. :)
I love the underwater pic! Too cute!
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